Wednesday, January 22, 2014

It's Almost My Birthday!!! (1/21/14)

It's almost my birthday!!!

It's so weird, I'm going to be 20!!!! AHAAHAHAHAHAHA. But now it is my Birthday Week so we shall PARTY!!!! And when I say party I mean go out to eat. Once. This week :) It shall be AWESOME because I said so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So had a pretty AWESOME week.......
Let's start with P-Day!!!!!!!!!! We played Volleyball and chair soccer!!! YEAH! So much Fun!

Tuesday was event full! Finally got into a less-active's home we have been trying to for the last 8 weeks! Awesmeness! She said she wants us to come back and teach her each week and she is panning on coming to church; even if she doesn't even care if there are people there who offended her! Also, at dinner my favorite girl said the funniest this in the world! She (who is 7 almost 8) said, "When I first saw Sister Carlson at church I thought she was pregnant!" hahaahahahaha, So funny! She thinks so many people are pregnant that are not so that she asked me makes it even funnier!!!!! She also has asked me where my husband is if I'm on a mission!?! Awkwierd!!!!! She was very confused by it all!

Nothing too eventful on Wednesday, but Thursday was fun! Choir is now on Thursdays and since I got kicked out I don't have to go :) But my comp does go so I go on exchanges with Sister Burgett!!! Sister Drinkwater went with us this week as well. We were driving to a service project where I noticed that a girl was struggling with her tire so I thought, "Oh, I will help her change her tire...or I will just call the Elders!" Turns out she just got a trash bag stuck in her rim so we took it out then set up an appointment with her and said a prayer right there! So cool.... Sister Drinkwater sat in the car the whole time due to the fact she was in pain and sickly, and when we got back in the car she said. "I thought I was watching the Distract!!" (Those are training videos for missionaries, you can watch them on Hahaahahah!

Friday: Weekly planning Day :)

Saturday: Choir in Mission Viejo for a stake conference! It was AWESOME!!!

Sunday: Stake conference in our own building! We talked about hastening the work and how our stake is to do it through less actives! It shall be AWESOME!!!

Also, met a new family in the ward! LOVE THEM!!! SO MUCH!!! They had us over for dinner last night and fed us Olive Garden!!! WHAT!?!? MY FAVORITE! YUMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! They also invited us to a Hockey game....but we have an appointment to pick up a new investigator tonight at the same time.....So maybe next time!

LOVE, VIOLETTE CARLSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stay Classy!!!!!!!!! Keep your first name in the name tag!!!

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