Friday, January 16, 2015

New Investo (10/6/14)

Well we picked up a new investo!!! So exciting! He really challenges us. He has been meeting with missionaries for some time now but he just moved down here and is now meeting with us. He said he has prayed to know if the Book of Mormon is the word of God...but has not received an answer yet... We don't know why this is, but we will get to the bottom of it! He has two little boys and they are soooo cute! twins!! and almost a year old!!

New Dress Code

This week I have made it a goal to be crazy (and stop stressing and worrying about the little things)!!! I'm trying to let go of some of the guilt. A goal be crazy...I have been doing that, so don't you worry! But nothing to crazy! I have to do one thing a week that is crazy...but not too crazy to put myself out of my comfort this week on Sunday I got up in front of my zone and sang a song during lunch. "My bonny lies over the ocean, my bonny lies over the sea" That song it was Awesome! I'm just trying to live a little! hahahahaha

Sister Ashton and I on a hike, Elder King Photo bombing in the back! GOLD STAR for him!

This is me making fun of Elder Ray. He always wears the same clothes. A lady in the ward gave us a massive bag of clothes; I put them on and I look like Elder Ray hahahaha

Well to be real with you I'm going in to only 9 weeks left and I'm kind of freaking out! I just have to keep my head in the game... Go team!

I don't know what to talk more about but I do know that I love being a missionary and that's what its all about: Love ..and I don't know what else to say to you...So yeah!

We went and taught a lesson with some elders in our District. It was such a great lesson!

Me with a bunch of other Sisters out to lunch!
Elder Cannon's family showed up to our ward so we took a picture with them :)

Stay Classy and Sassy and a little bit smart!
LOVE Sister Violette Carlson!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Time is Flying By... (9/29/14)

Time is flying by! Well, time, that's what we all want more of. I guess we don't get it now, but after this life we will have all the time in the world...

Well I'm back in a family ward; the noise on Sunday is like sweet music to my ears! Being in a YSA ward just makes you forget that sacrament meeting can be loud sometimes. I mean, YSAs have their own set of problems, but that's a topic for another day... On to how much I love family wards!! They are so much Fun!!

As far as miracles for this week...they happened!! We were able to get into 3 gated and guarded communities with out having any actual appointments! Normally you have to have them call you in, but this time we just got in! Blessings! Also, while we were out we started talking to a lady that was a member of my ward and I didn't know her, and I was on exchanges so the sister I was with didn't know her, and she gave us some root beer! It was the kind that my mom gets, that come in the glass bottles! Yummy! Such a blessing!

Well, "Drop It Like It;s Hot" is back in action! It was dropped due to the sickness that Sister Jennings and I were in, but that's over now... so go team!!! In the mornings we get to run to the temple. It's only a mile away so that is so much fun!!! And Sister Ashton doesn't eat that much so I don't each as much as I used to, so that is helping as well! Ahhh, go team!

Okay, the General Women's Broadcast was Amazing! Such a good topic, talking about the TEMPLE!!! YEAH! I love the Temple! I get to do tours each week and I get to run to it each week! It helps me remember the promises I made with my Heavenly Father! I love the temple so much!

Well I love you and hope you are doing amazingly!! Keep up the great work!
Stay Classy and Sassy and a little Smart!

LOVE Sister Violette Carlson

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Finding A Family! (9/22/14)

This week I was transferred to Newport Hills! I'm still in the same zone as Sister Jennings; go team!!! Sister Ashton is my companion now; she came out with me! So cool! But, she goes home a transfer after me. She is from Utah, has a Mom, Dad, brother, sister, dog, and a turtle that died (Tilly; may he rest in peace)! She is so much fun!! She is a dancer, so she loves dancing!

We have decided that we are going to find a family in the next two transfers! Yes! We only have 11 weeks left for that, but we are going to do it!!!

I don't really know what to tell you other than I have been meeting tons of people, teaching them like crazy, and just having a great time.

Quote of the week: "Have a great day and I hope you talk to lots of strangers." -Sister Nicholson Hahahahaha, yes, I will.

TEMPLE SISTER! What? Yes, me!!! I gave my very very first one to and investigator of the Elders of the Newport Beach 2nd ward! She is getting baptized Oct 12! She has been taking the lessons for 3 years! But she finally realized that she could get baptized even thought she is not perfect. It finally just clicked for her! Wow! I love being a Temple Sister!! It is so much Fun!

Well I love you hope you have a great day!!!
Stay Classy and Sassy and a little smart!

LOVE, Sister Violette Carlson!

Goodbye to Jennings! ...and YSA...Newport (9/15/13)

Well I would just like to start with a story about my dear sweet companion! Probably reason 5000 why she is FREAKING AWESOME!

Last week we decides that we would use our 6 dollars and 50 cents that we got from recycling and get our car washed! Go team! So we get our car washed and vacuumed out real nice and then we went to pick up our mail from the park where everyone in the zone went for a zone activity...Jennings and I are the less-actives of the zone...we don't like too much social interaction on P-days... So as we are walking to the car to leave, the truck-driving elders show up with our Distract Leader, Elder Bufton. We were so excited about our nice clean car that we hod told everyone about Elder Bufton put his fat foot on our car! We don't put up with that crap!!! After our gasp of horror, Jennings spit on their truck!! YES, she is that cool!! I was in utter shock. Man, I had only thought of doing that, but she had just spit on their truck! I was struggling to make it to the car because I was laughing so hard, and Sister Jennings kept yelling, "GET IN THE CAR, CARLSON!!! GET IN THE CAR!!!" HAAHAH good times!!!

Also this week Jennings and I were walking down the hall in the Stake Center to go to the bathroom and for dramatic effect I hid behind a pillar with my hand like a gun, then Jennings opens a door and kicks it in! haahah It looked legit! Well, in the process of that she pretty much hurt her second toe on her foot and by the end of the week half of her foot is purple!! Hahaha, I'm going to miss this girl!!

So, we got transfer calls Saturday night! I will be transferred. It's weird, I only have a short time left so I thought I would spend the rest of my time here in Newport YSA ward, but I guess God needs me some where else! Cool beans!

We taught a man named Shawn...creepy man...he asked Jennings and I to bring back poloygamy right there in the Target...Awkward.... We said we were lie, but I don't feel bad at all for saying it! Jennings had to say..."I can't tell if he is being funny or a legit perv."

Also Quote of the week! "I'm not impatient, I'm a go-getter"

And a Miracle of the Week! The elders picked up an investigator because we asked a member to pass out a Book of Mormon!!! GO TEAM JESUS!!!!!!!

Well I love you!!!

Stay Classy, Sassy, and a little Smart!

Sister Violette Carlson

Did Someone Say Week 6? (9/8/14)

Week 6 of the transfer!!! What!!! Only TWO more transfers after this week! hahaahaha, Crazy! Life is too short!!

What a week! So much fun!! I Love My YSA Ward!! As a ward activity we had a Senior Bingo Night...where everyone dressed up like they were 50 years older than they really are! Sister Jennings and I put on Blue eye shadow and red lipstick along with our clothes that we wore to make us look older! It was a blast!! The elder's investigator was there and he had a great time! The ward just loves him and fellowships the crap out of him! GO TEAM YSA!!!

Also, score for Sister Jennings and I! We got to wash 2 cars this week in the same day and then more service after that where we got a new bookshelf to put in our bathroom because it is so small. So we took the little bit bare book shelf out and now we have room when we go to the bathroom! Heavenly Father LOVES US!!! YEAH!! We also will be getting a couch and a love seat because of the service we did!! Oh yeah!! Service pays!!! GO, GO, POWER RANGERS!!!!

I have to report that last Monday I bought two stretch pencil skits and I am The Happiest Girl in the world!! I love those skirts so much!! They make me so happy! Just wanted to make you all aware that I have found happiness in my clothes again. GO TEAM!

Now, just to show how much God loves me and Sister Jennings, each Saturday we now get to take care of puppy's and walk them while people come and look at adopting them! Sister Jennings and I both LOVE Puppies! Hahaha, So cool!

Well its been real! LOVE you all! Stay Classy and Sassy and a little smart! Love you!

LOVE Sister Violette Carlson!!

Week of Miracles (9/2/14)

What!!! I can't believe things turned out the way they were that night! Sister Jennings and I had set aside time to go visit people, but a less active member said that she wanted to feed us dinner that 7:30 (if you can, PLEASE feed the missionaries at 5!). So we stopped by her work to see if she still wanted to take us to dinner but she wasn't there. Weird, we thought, so we went to her house. She wasn't there. We called her, texted her, we sat at her house waiting for her. While we waited we read the New Testament because we are reading it together as a mission and we had to catch up. While we waited there, Eli Showed up; he is the brother of this less-active that we're working with. He is not going to church at all but he let us share a scripture with him then said he would come to church on Sunday. He didn't...but that's okay, all in God's timing. But hey, cool thing, he told his sister that he thinks that we're cool and not the typical Sister missionaries- that we are funny and joke! So cool! That's what I have been trying to do my whole mission! Be a missionary but not coming off like a weird-o!! Go Team!!! So, as we get there this less-active shows up (we'll call her PL). We talked with her some then had to go to dinner. This dinner was with another less active member (I'll call her JC). So we took PL with us to dinner at JC's and the last time we talked with JC she was struggling with lots of things but when we walked into the door something was different about the feeling there. JC seemed happier! She told us that she had been doing good for a week and that she had been reading her scriptures and if she didn't read them she found herself hungering for them. So cool! She just decided to change her life!! The Atonement is the real deal!

Also an awesome quote of the week from Nica, a member in our ward, "People here spend money they don't have on things they don't need to impress people they don't like!" Hahhahahahaha So funny!

Okay I love being in a YSA ward. Why? Because it is so much fun!! And you make yesterday Sister Jennings and I went shopping with a few of the members in the YSA ward! How cool is that? P-Day shopping is the best!!

One of these people we went shopping with is named Lauren. We helped her clean her back yard last week and then she took us out to lunch at Coco's. What I learned there was So important! Pumpkin Pie Season Stars in Two Weeks!! #yum!

We went to the temple this last week and afterwards we always take pictures. Sister Jennings has fallen in love with family photos so we got the Elders to take a very awkward one!! Go GO Power Rangers!!! It was a great day!!!

Sister Jennings and I have been sick with a bad headache and sore throats and a fun cough for about 4 weeks now! We have no idea what is going on, but we get to got to the doctor tomorrow! WOW! We have really enjoyed this time being tired and thinking that its just because were old missionaries, and thinking, "How can we go on!?" hahaha Good times!!

Hey, I love you all!!

LOVE Sister Violette Carlson

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Smart (8/25/14)

This week was a week of.....I don't know how to put it in to a couple of words, so I will just tell you all about it!

Line of the week:
So freaking Funny! Brother Day was talking to all of the missionaries in the Newport Stake and was saying how its so great that there are more Sisters out and and how nice it is that they get to wear their clothes now! Hahahahahahah, he didn't mean for it to come out like that, he just meant that we get to wear pretty colors and clothes that don't make us look like a sack of potato's! ...half of the time.. Hahaha, good times!

So being in Newport YSA we do a reach-out night on Tuesdays when we stop by to visit new people in the ward and people that haven't been to church in a while. So we go by to see Richy and hes not there, but his roommates are there and we were able to have a question and answer session. It was AWESOME!!! So many good questions! We should be meeting with them again this week! COOL!

So BIG news!! We are working with a less active woman but she is coming back slowly but surely!!! And this week she has an interview with Bishop and she is able to get her Patriarchal Blessing! Wow, wow!! She is also working towards getting her temple recommend! WOWOWOWOWOWOW ahhhh So exciting!!!! I love being a missionary!!

Service this week:
We got 10 hours!!! YES!!! PRAYERS answered!!! How cool is that? We have been trying SO hard to get service hours and we got it! Hopefully we will still get in some service this next week! This week we were able to do service to help set up for a reception! Oh yeah!! That was fun!!! Sister Jennings and I have decided the best way to go is elope!

Also, we got a full dose of Mexican Coke this week! Just one bottle!

Well I love you all!!! Keep up the great work you're doing!!!

LOVE, Sister Violette Carlson